We at Neoteric Packaging, manufacture plastic garbage bags for light duty and heavy duty applications.
Please browse through the range of garbage bags and feel free to contact us in case you have a custom requirement that is not listed.
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> Wholesale Garbage Bags
Be environmentally responsible.
Just like our products.
We manufacture carry bags, bin liners, waste bags for hospital industry, hotel and catering industry special bags and rolls, covers, thin films, packing rolls, and many more products. We have a range of standard products that can be ordered in minimal quantity, but we can also customise colours, prints, and sizes for special orders.
What Are the Best Garbage Bags for the Environment?
July 19, 2018
Our Response to COVID-19
The events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic continue to evolve rapidly. Neoteric’s dedication and service to the safety, health and well-being of our team and the communities they serve remain strong.